How to add a background in unity 3d

How to add a background in unity 3d

Are you looking to create immersive and visually stunning 3D scenes with Unity? In this guide, we’ll go through the steps of how to add a background in Unity 3D. We will use a combination of techniques and tools to help you achieve the desired result, including case studies and real-life examples to illustrate the points being made.

How to add a background in unity 3d

Understanding the Basics of Adding a Background in Unity

Before we dive into the specifics of adding a background in Unity, let’s first understand what a background is in 3D design. A background can be defined as an image or texture that fills up the screen and creates depth to the scene. It serves as a visual aid for the user, allowing them to focus on the main elements of the scene.

In Unity, you can add a background in several ways, depending on your preference and the complexity of the scene. Some common methods include using a 2D image, a texture, or even a particle system. We will cover each of these methods in detail later on.

Case Study: Creating a Realistic City Skyline as a Background in Unity

To illustrate the importance of a well-designed background in Unity, let’s take a look at an example of creating a realistic city skyline as a background.

In this project, we will use a combination of techniques to create a stunning skyline that serves as a backdrop for our 3D scene. We will use a texture that has been designed specifically for this purpose, and we will also make use of Unity’s particle system to create realistic clouds and smoke effects.

Real-Life Example: Adding a Background in Unity Using a Texture

1. Create a new 2D object in your scene and assign it a material.

2. In your project, create a new folder and name it “Textures”. Inside this folder, create a new image file that will serve as the background. You can use any image editor of your choice to design this image.

3. Import the image file into your Unity project by dragging and dropping it onto the Project window in the Editor.

4. Assign the texture to the 2D object you created in step 1. To do this, right-click on the object in the Hierarchy view and select “Material”. Then drag and drop the texture file you imported in step 3 onto the Material Inspector.

5. Adjust the texture settings as needed to achieve the desired effect. You can use the Scale, Rotate and Position properties to adjust the size, orientation and position of the texture.

6. Once you are happy with the texture, you can add additional elements to your scene such as 3D models or other textures to make it more visually appealing.

Case Study: Creating a Custom Background using a Shader

In this case study, we will take a look at how to create a custom background using a shader in Unity.

A shader is a program that determines the appearance of an object or texture in a scene. By creating your own custom shader, you can achieve unique and visually stunning effects. In this project, we will create a shader that simulates a bokeh effect, which creates a blurred and distorted background.

To get started, we will first create a new shader in Unity by going to Assets > Create > Shader Graph. We will then open the shader graph and create a new node for the Bokeh effect.

Next, we will import a texture file into our project that will serve as the background for our scene. We will then connect this texture to the Bokeh effect node in the shader graph.

Finally, we will adjust the settings of the Bokeh effect node and the main shader node to achieve the desired effect. We can also add additional nodes to the shader graph to create more complex effects.

Real-Life Example: Adding a Background in Unity Using a Particle System

1. Create a new 2D object in your scene and assign it a material.

2. In your project, create a new folder and name it “Particle Systems”. Inside this folder, create a new particle system and adjust its settings to achieve the desired effect. You can use Unity’s built-in particle system editor or create your own using third-party tools.

3. Assign a texture to the particle system by dragging and dropping it onto the Particle System Inspector.

4. Adjust the texture settings as needed to achieve the desired effect. You can use the Scale, Rotate and Position properties to adjust the size, orientation and position of the texture.

5. Once you are happy with the particle system, you can add additional elements to your scene such as 3D models or other particle systems to make it more visually appealing.


In this guide, we have covered several methods for adding a background in Unity 3D. We have looked at using a 2D image, a texture, and even a particle system to create visually stunning backdrops for your 3D scenes. By following these steps and experimenting with different techniques and tools, you can achieve the desired effect and take your Unity projects to the next level.


1. Can I use a 3D object as a background in Unity?

Yes, you can use a 3D object as a background in Unity by assigning it a material and positioning it in the scene so that it fills up the entire screen.

2. How do I create a custom shader in Unity?

To create a custom shader in Unity, go to Assets > Create > Shader Graph and open the shader graph. From there, you can create new nodes and connect them together to achieve the desired effect.

3. Can I use a particle system as a background in Unity?

Yes, you can use a particle system as a background in Unity by creating a new particle system and adjusting its settings to achieve the desired effect. You can also assign a texture to the particle system to give it a more realistic appearance.