If you’re working on a project using Unity 3D and need to change the pivot point of your game objects, this guide will help you do so quickly and easily. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of changing pivot points in Unity 3D and provide step-by-step instructions for doing it yourself.
What is a Pivot Point?
A pivot point is a point on an object that determines where it rotates and scales from. In Unity 3D, the default pivot point for game objects is usually located at the center of the object. However, you may want to change this depending on the needs of your project.
How to Change Pivot Point in Unity 3D
First, select the game object that you want to change the pivot point for. You can do this by clicking on it in the Hierarchy view or by selecting it in the Inspector view.
Next, go to the Inspector view and locate the Transform component of your game object. Within the Transform component, you’ll see a property called “Pivot.” This is where you can set the new pivot point for your game object.
To set the new pivot point, simply click on the current pivot point and drag it to the desired location. You can also use the keyboard shortcut “G” to toggle the selection of the pivot point and move it around with your mouse.
Once you’ve set the new pivot point, make sure to apply the changes by clicking on the “Apply” button in the Inspector view. This will ensure that your game object rotates and scales properly from its new pivot point.
Case Study: Changing Pivot Point for a 2D Sprite
Let’s say you’re working on a 2D platformer game using Unity 3D, and you want to change the pivot point of your player sprite so that it rotates and scales properly. Here’s how you can do it:
In the Hierarchy view, select the “Player” game object, which should contain your player sprite.
Go to the Inspector view and locate the Transform component of the “Player” game object. Within the Transform component, you’ll see a property called “Pivot.” Set this to (0, -1, 0). This will move the pivot point of your player sprite to the top-left corner of the screen.
Now that the pivot point has been set to (0, -1, 0), you can use the keyboard shortcut “G” to toggle the selection of the pivot point and move it around with your mouse. Move the pivot point to the top-left corner of your player sprite so that it rotates and scales properly.
Make sure to apply the changes by clicking on the “Apply” button in the Inspector view. Your player sprite should now rotate and scale properly from its new pivot point.