How to Implement Player Movement in Unity 3D

How to Implement Player Movement in Unity 3D


Player movement is one of the most fundamental aspects of any game, and it’s essential to create a smooth and intuitive player experience. In this article, we will cover the basics of implementing player movement in Unity 3D, from setting up input controls to creating custom animations. We’ll also touch on some best practices for debugging and optimizing player movement.

Input Controls

The first step in implementing player movement is to set up input controls. These allow the player to interact with the game by moving the mouse or keyboard. Unity provides a number of built-in input controls, including:

  • Mouse Look: Allows the player to look around by rotating the mouse.
  • Horizontal/Vertical Movement: Allows the player to move forward and backward using the arrow keys or WASD keys.
  • Jump: Allows the player to jump using the space bar.

  • Input Controls

    To use these input controls, you’ll need to create a script that listens for input events and updates the player’s position accordingly. Here’s an example of how to set up horizontal movement:

    using UnityEngine;
    public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
    public float speed = 5f; // Movement speed
    private Vector3 inputVector;

    void Update()
    inputVector = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));
    transform.position += inputVector Time.deltaTime speed;


Once you have basic movement working, you can add animations to make the player’s movements feel more natural and immersive. Unity provides a number of built-in animation tools, including:

  • Animation Controller: Allows you to create complex animations by combining multiple clips.
  • Animator Override Controller: Allows you to modify an existing animation controller.
  • Animation Clip: Represents a single movement or action in the game.
  • To add animations to your player, you’ll need to create an animation clip that represents each movement or action you want the player to be able to perform. For example, you might have an animation clip for walking, running, jumping, and attacking. Once you have these clips, you can create an animation controller that combines them and controls when they play.

    Best Practices

    When implementing player movement in Unity 3D, there are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use physics-based movement: This will give the player’s movements a more realistic feel and make the game feel more responsive.
  • Use smooth interpolation: When moving the player, use smooth interpolation to avoid jerky movements.
  • Optimize for performance: Player movement can be resource-intensive, so make sure you optimize your code for performance. This may involve using lower resolution textures or reducing the number of draw calls.


    Player movement is an essential aspect of any game, and implementing it in Unity 3D is a straightforward process. By setting up input controls, adding animations, and following best practices, you can create smooth and immersive player movement that enhances the overall gameplay experience.