How to make enemy shoot at player unity 3d

How to make enemy shoot at player unity 3d

If you’re looking to create an exciting and engaging game in Unity 3D, one of the most important elements is the enemy AI. But getting your enemies to shoot at the player can be challenging. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to make your enemies shoot at the player in Unity 3D.

Understanding Player Movement

Before you can create enemies that shoot at the player, you need to understand how the player moves. In Unity 3D, you can use the built-in character controller component to control the player’s movement. This component allows you to move the player around the scene using the keyboard, mouse, or gamepad.

To make your enemies shoot at the player, you need to understand where the player is relative to the enemy. You can do this by using the transform component to get the player’s position in world space. Once you have the player’s position, you can calculate the direction and distance between the player and the enemy.

Creating Enemy AI

Now that you understand how the player moves, it’s time to create your enemy AI. There are many different types of enemy AI you can use in Unity 3D, including:

  • Simple Shooter: This is a basic enemy that fires bullets at the player. It’s easy to create and requires minimal programming.
  • Sniper: This enemy fires longer-range shots at the player using a rifle or other long-range weapon. It’s more challenging to create than a simple shooter, but offers more variety in gameplay.
  • Melee Combatant: This enemy attacks the player using melee weapons like swords or clubs. It requires advanced programming and can be difficult to balance with other enemies in the game.
  • Boss: This is a larger, more powerful enemy that appears at the end of a level or as a boss fight. It requires advanced programming and can be challenging for players to defeat.

For this guide, we will focus on creating a simple shooter enemy. You can use the Unity built-in AI system to create this type of enemy.

Creating a Simple Shooter Enemy

To create a simple shooter enemy in Unity 3D, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new GameObject and give it a Rigidbody component. This will allow the enemy to move around and fire projectiles.
  2. Create another GameObject inside the enemy and give it a Transform component and a Projectile component. The Projectile component should use a bullet or other simple projectile as its projectile.
  3. Add a C script to the enemy GameObject that will control the enemy’s behavior. In this script, you will need to do the following:

* Get the player’s position using the transform component.

* Calculate the direction and distance between the player and the enemy using Vector3.Distance() and Vector3.Direction() methods.

* Fire the projectile at the player if the distance is within range.

* Repeat this process on a regular interval to make the enemy fire continuously.

Here’s an example of what your C script might look like:

public class EnemyShooter : MonoBehaviour
public float attackRange 10f; // meters
public GameObject projectilePrefab;
private float lastFireTime 0f;
void Update()

Here's an example of what your C script might look like
Vector3 playerPosition transform.position – new Vector3(0, 5, 0); // move up to aim at the player
Vector3 enemyPosition transform.position;
Vector3 direction playerPosition – enemyPosition;
float distance Vector3.Distance(playerPosition, enemyPosition);
if (distance < attackRange)
if (Time.time > lastFireTime + 1f / fireRate) // fire every second
Instantiate(projectilePrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); // fire the projectile in the enemy’s direction
lastFireTime Time.time;

In this script, we first get the player’s position relative to the enemy using Vector3.Distance() and Vector3.Direction() methods. We then calculate the distance between the player and the enemy. If the distance is within range, we check if it’s time to fire a projectile. If it is, we use Instantiate() to create a new projectile at the enemy’s position and fire it in the enemy’s direction.

Testing Your Enemy AI

Once you’ve created your simple shooter enemy, it’s time to test it in your game. Place the enemy in a level and move the player around to see if the enemy is shooting at the player. If the enemy is not shooting, make sure that the script is attached to the correct GameObject and that the attackRange variable is set correctly.

If the enemy is shooting too much or too little, you can adjust the fireRate variable in the script to control how often it fires. You can also experiment with different projectile types and speeds to see how they affect gameplay.


Creating enemies that shoot at the player is an important part of any game. By understanding player movement and creating simple shooter AI, you can create exciting and challenging gameplay in Unity 3D. With a little experimentation and fine-tuning, you’ll have enemies that are both fun to fight and add value to your game.