Unity 5: When Will It Be Released?

Unity 5: When Will It Be Released?

If you’re a Unity developer, you’ve probably been eagerly waiting for the release of Unity 5. While there isn’t an official release date yet, we can make some educated guesses based on Unity’s past release patterns and upcoming events.

Unity 4 Release Cycle

Unity releases new versions every year or so, with major updates coming around the fall or winter months. The last major update was Unity 4, which was released in December 2013. This means that Unity 5 is likely to be released sometime in the next couple of years.

Unity 4 Release Cycle

Upcoming Events and Conferences

Unity has a number of events and conferences coming up in the near future, including:

  • The Unity Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco, which takes place every spring. This event is typically used to announce new features and products from Unity.
  • The Unity Vision Summit, which takes place in Los Angeles in May. This summit focuses on the latest developments in virtual reality and augmented reality.

Based on these events, we can assume that Unity will likely release Unity 5 sometime after GDC in San Francisco in spring of 2016, but before the Unity Vision Summit in May of 2016.


While there isn’t an official release date for Unity 5 yet, we can make some educated guesses based on Unity’s past release patterns and upcoming events. Based on these factors, we expect to see Unity 5 released sometime in the next couple of years, most likely after GDC in spring of 2016 but before the Unity Vision Summit in May of 2016.